Herd and Health:
The Truth Behind Why Vaccines Fail with Dr. Christopher Chase. What can lead to vaccine failure in your herd? When you understand the initial events of viral infections, and the interaction between viruses and the body, you can develop methods for preventing viral infections in your animals. Discover the truth behind why vaccines fail and how you can boost your herd’s health.
How to Use Data to Predict the Future in Your Transition Herd with Dr. Robert Van Saun. We might not be able to fully predict the future, but data and decision-making can help our predictions be more accurate. Learn how you can use DHIA data to predict future behaviors and problems in your transition herd – and work to prevent them before they happen.
HPAI, Biosecurity, and Why It Matters: Get the 411 with Dr. Hayley Springer. Learn how the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus has spread across 14 states within the US and why it can be devastating to both dairy and poultry farms. You’ll walk away with simple steps farms can take to protect their herd from the spread.
Beef on Dairy: The Science Behind Getting Bigger Results with Dr. Tara Felix. How can you design a profitable future with beef on dairy and see bigger results? This session will share research and real-world findings from feedlots to help you understand how to maximize gain and productivity of beef on dairy crosses.
Feed, Forages and Energy:
Does Climate-Smart Equal Farm-Smart? Producer Panel with Paul Mason and others. From incorporating NOP3 into your ration to changing how you handle your cow manure, dairy farms are being inundated by opportunities to embrace “climate-smart” on your dairy. But is it really right for you? Hear from three producers who will share what they did and how it impacted their bottom line.
Navigating the Necessities in Corn Silage: Inoculants, Forage Analysis, Feeding Ratios, and Fungicide with Dr. Limin Kung. When it comes to corn silage, it’s all about the necessities and the little details. Learn the little details you need to look for in your forage tests, the ins and outs of feeding high forage-based diets, and when applying fungicide provides the best returns for your dairy.
The Biggest Places to Cut Costs With Energy Use on the Farm with Dr. Dan Ciolkosz. With energy costs continuing to increase, finding ways to cut energy costs on your dairy farm can have a major impact on your bottom line. Learn how to be more efficient with your energy use – such as lighting, speed pumps, and more – and how you can capture energy savings and fine-tune your dairy’s overall efficiency.
Feeding for Fat: Do High-Oleic Soybeans Fit? Panel with Dr. Harvatine. High-oleic soybeans have been around for more than 10 years, but are they are making their way into more and more dairy rations – especially with the current drive toward higher components. Hear from three producers on how they are feeding high-oleic soybeans, how they are sourcing them, and what results they are getting.
People and Potential:
Are You Operating Within the Laws? with Wayne Vanderhoof, Ricky Palladino and Brook Duer. What do you get when you put two lawyers and a safety compliance guy in a room? You get a panel discussion packed with insights to help you avoid costly legal fines that you may not even know about. Many farms assume they’re exempt from employment laws we hear about every day in other industries, but that’s not always the case. Join Brook Duer, Esq, Ricky Palladino, Esq and safety consultant Wayne Vanderhoof to get the information you need regarding OSHA, Child, and Immigrant Labor Laws about which you don’t want to be caught unaware!
Discover Your Why Workshop: Unlock Your Purpose to Uplevel Your Dairy Business with Peggy Coffeen. What’s your why? What motivates you to get out of bed each day and continue to farm? Building on Peggy Coffeen’s keynote presentation, learn the secret to unlocking your purpose and making decisions that are fueled by your passion with the future in mind.
Transition: Is it Fair? Should It Be? with Dr. Brian Reed. Fairness in generational business transitions can keep farm families up at night, because it doesn’t always mean equal. Fairness means different things to different farm family members and to non-farming heirs. Dr. Brian Reed will share his insights and experiences from years of working with farm families and give you tools to tackle the challenges and avoid the landmines that most face when trying to be fair in the transition process.
Right People, Right Roles: Managing for Optimal Performance with Jill Smith. Employees are your farm’s largest investment of financial resources and time. They are also the determining factor for whether an organization will get the business results expected. That’s why it’s important to have the right people on the team. Learn how to determine who is helping to move the organization forward, who is just showing up, and who is a barrier. Walk away with ideas on how to manage your team to achieve optimal results.
Outcomes and Opportunities:
Revolutionizing Agriculture with AI with Dr. Jim Ladlee and Dr. Melissa Cantor. How could AI improve dairy farming’s efficiency and profitability? What about efficiencies across the dairy supply chain? What are the setbacks that come with AI adoption? During this session, learn how artificial intelligence could change the game for the agriculture industry and what its benefits and challenges are.
Spelling Opportunity: Navigating Grant Funding, a Panel Discussion with Morgan Sheffield, Stephanie Shirk, and Kara Riccioni. DCED, SBDC, PDA, ACAP, REAP – it all sounds a little like alphabet soup. But many farmers have leveraged one or more of these resources to find funding for projects. Hear from three individuals who have figured out how to rearrange the acronyms to spell OPPORTUNITY and work with farmers to capitalize on these opportunities.
Understanding Carbon Markets for Dairy with Scott Welsh, Bryan Stolzenburg and Scott Subler. Understanding carbon markets for dairy is even more complex than one would think, and the real value to dairy owners is even more elusive. In this panel discussion, we will probe the global, ag and PA dairy-specific markets for greenhouse gas emissions and have an honest conversation about where our state’s producers might find an entrance, with Scott Welsh from Penn State University’s Ag Sciences Fieldstone Innovations and the CARAT project, Bryan Stolzenburg, Carbon Project Manager at Ag Methane Advisors, and Scott Subler, Ph.D., who leads the Project Development Team at ClimeCo, the leading global decarbonization and sustainability solutions company.
The Power of Public Perception: The Good & Bad of Interacting with Consumers Producer Panel Discussion with Brooks Long, Alice and Caleb Crothers, and Beth Meyer. From navigating through a crisis situation to knowing what to say and what not to say to the public, these panelists will give their firsthand experience interacting with consumers in their community. Maintaining a positive image with your non-farm neighbors is critical to a farm’s ability to grow and evolve within a community that might not always understand exactly what you do.